Friday, January 20, 2012

To the Streets of København!

Today was the first day that I saw the sun since I had been here. No better excuse to skip my class and explore the beautiful city of København! Every one has one image in mind when they think of København (Hence My Background)... Since it was sunny I was able to capture it better. Apparently in the summer time it is amazing. Just another excuse to come back or stay a little longer.  I took lots of pictures of buildings but I will spare you the excessive facebook album of all of them. If you would like to see one that i lack you can google it...
After seeing a couple buildings we grabbed a bite to eat. It was at an authentic Danish  Sandwich place. No one really can pin point what exactly Danish food is. But my best summary is Rye Bread and Herring. I was not about to go as far as trying herring but i did stray a little further than my other friends. Rye Bread with some type of beef, horseradish, and pickles. I really enjoyed it actually! Most of the other girls ended up eating the slab of bread $16 dollar bread. When in Rome (or Copenhagen) you gotta live a little.  You can tell that we are such americans in that restaurant by the fact that we do not base our meal around the company we are with. Eating out is almost a task. We came into the restaurant with two danish tables sitting there and left before they were even close to getting up! They LOVE to socialize and cherish the time that they have together. One thing i wish Americans could pick up on.
After our Lunch we went to the famous Stroget shopping street. There you will find Hermes, Gucci, 7 for all Mankind, and foot locker. Its the rodeo drive of Copenhagen. 2km long road of many items that i would never be able to afford. There were even some danish girls dressed in dinosaur and cat costumes giving away "free hugs," made me feel like i was right back in Madison. 
I am growing to love Copenhagen more and more as I begin to see all that it has to offer. The architecture, the overpriced food, nightlife, and so much more.  

But its almost 7 oclock here in Denmark so that means one thing...

Cheers from Chels!

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