Officially I have been in Copenhagen for about a week now. I have come to learn a couple key things.
1. The word Hygge. It is a Danish word that does not directly translate into english. But the danes can best describe it as "Coziness."Or others define it as, "relaxing with good friends or loved ones, often while enjoying good food and something to drink or creating a more friendly atmosphere by lighting a few candles." The danes use it a lot. It is a good representation to show how much they enjoy each others company and have one of THE highest qualities of living.
2. Dogs shit everywhere. pardon my language. I know I hate picking up after my dog but now I see the importance. I have come so close to stepping in it so many times. Gross! My real question is what do they feed these dogs here... it is some interesting stuff.
3. Buying groceries is like an event in town. The hours are so obscure, you have to buy your own bags for the groceries, and the lines are always crazy long. Unlike americans where we buy everything in bulk or in one trip, the danes love to get food everyday. I guess this prevents excessive consumption. I guess i like to go to the store everyday now to.... for some vino :)
4. Jay Walking is Illegal. What the ffff. Coming from Madison this is by far one of the most annoying qualities of Copenhagen. Ill walk if the road is clear is my theory. Cross my fingers I avoid a ticket!
5. Instead of Parking meters they have an "Honor" system. Yes they trust each other that much. They actually have little clock stickers on the windshield of their car that shows what time they arrived and than police come around and check them to see if people are past their time. So much easier I would say.
6. Staying out until 7 am is completely acceptable. And so is sleeping until 2 pm...
7. Everything is so damn expensive. No I will not pay $20 for a measly turkey sandwich. pshhhhh
These are just a couple of things I have noticed chelsin around Copenhagen. I am sure I will find out SO many more, many on accident. Ill keep ya posted ;)
Miss many of you. xoxo
Cheers from Chels!
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