Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Prince in Denmark

I don't think you can stress enough how fast time flies.

For almost 75 days now I had the date March 30th etched in my calendar. I found it impossible that it was already here. The one thing standing between me and that date was a HRM final. Why was this date deserving of a countdown?? The prince himself, Jack, was finally going to be in Copenhagen. 

In anticipation of picking him up from the airport I may or may not have finished my final a little to early. Given that it was a 4 hour allotted time test, i only took about 2.5, still a solid effort if you ask me. Finishing early ended up being even worse cause I sat in anxiety at the airport for over and hour and a half waiting. Did I mention I had text message updates on arrival time changes, landing, and baggage claim. I don't know how many times I received a text saying the flight had changed arrival time by about 5 minutes. Sitting there was actually interesting tho because you were able to see all the people reuniting with their loved ones. Couldn't wait for it to be my turn. There really is nothing like an airport pick up after long absences. 

Thankfully when Jack arrived it was actually nice out. "warmest" weather we had all week and it was really sunny. Great day to explore the city a little. Its amazing how lively Copenhagen is when there is just a little bit of sun out! It was crucial first that we grabbed a couple of beers. 12.5% beers I might add. We scoped the city from classic Nyhavn, The Opera House, and all the places in between. Limited time before the Jetlag would actually kick in. 

The rest of the week was spent bundling up from the 20 mph winds the lack of pure sun and the occasional rain fall. Somehow it managed to be one of the worst weather weeks in a while. So finding stuff to do inside that did not involve drinking was hard. This led to more beer, coffee, and pastry's than I have probably consumed in my whole stay in Copenhagen. Some could call us experts in the field. Lesson learned Wiebro beer is strong, Hoeegarden is a great choice no matter what, you must get the homemade poptart from Lahagureshdkahfsdlkjhaflsh (dont know how to spell the name), a cinnamon roll from brodenhoffs, and a monkey bread-esque thing from Lauras bakery along with the rosemary bread, hop on over to the coffee collective for the best drip coffee and cappuccino in the whole city. Oh and we can't forget a classy cocktail at the Jane, madmen inspired bar even if they are 20$ a pop. So many other delicacies that we were lucky enough to taste.

Highlights of the trips were my trips to Helsingor castle, the inspiration for Hamlet. Helsingor castle lies in the city of Helsingor and is a cute little town. It is basically a downscaled version of Copenhagen with 20x more liquor stores for the Swedes who travel the short distance across the sea. We also made it to a deer park, sounds lame but quite interesting to see thousands of deer roaming. Also a fun game to see how close jack can get to them.. And we must not forget the failed attempt at going to Berlin, easy jet you are on my shit list. 

Overall it was a great week that was WAY to short. With only one month till I am back in the states tho I think I will survive. There really is nothing like being in Europe tho with your Prince ;) I truly will never forget that week.

Cheers from Chels!

The Most Danish Guy I know 
Helsingor Castle

2 trays of fisk shots coming right up...

Ice Bar Copenhagen

Hunting Lodge at the Deer Park


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